Paragraph 239 of the
Highway Code imposes a duty upon drivers before they or their passenger(s) open
a door, to make sure that it will not hit anyone passing on the road or
pavement, or force them to swerve. They have a duty particularly to watch out
for pedestrians, cyclists and motor cyclists.
Greta, a young, fit
and experienced cyclist was knocked off her bike at night by an offside
passenger who did not check before opening the door into her path. Greta’s bike
was properly lit. Greta struck the car door
side on, and suffered spiral fractures to the metacarpals of two fingers on her
left hand, which was trapped between her handlebar and the door. She also had some small scarring to her face
where she struck the floor.
The Police were
uninterested in pursuing the passenger for a breach of her duties to Greta. However,
failure by the Police to act is not by any means fatal to pursuing a
successful civil claim. A person will
not be convicted unless they are believed to be guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
Civil claims are proved “on the
balance of probabilities” which means “more likely than not”. A claim was therefore made against the
driver, who was insured. Insurers will normally deal with the
liability of their insured’s passengers in these circumstances.
Although the
passenger had been pretty unhelpful to Greta and had assumed that Police
disinterest meant that she would face no further claims, her insurers took a
more realistic attitude. They did not
allege that Greta had been cycling too close to the vehicle. They did raise the absence of a cycling
helmet as contributing to the facial injury Greta had suffered.
There were claims for
loss of income (Greta had a number of casual jobs, paid in cash and proving
loss was difficult). They initially
proposed a settlement figure of £10,000 but we persuaded them that a more
realistic settlement would be £12,500. We made allowance for a possible
argument about the absence of a cycle helmet contributing to the minor scar on
her forehead. (The law on cycle helmets
is that the defendant has to show that the wearing of a helmet would have
avoided or significantly reduced the chance of injury; it is likely if they succeed in proving
that, the injured claimant’s
compensation for that injury will be
reduced by about 15%).
The insurers also
paid Greta’s costs, although under the
new costs regime which the Government introduced last April, Greta had to make a contribution. The Government has fixed costs recoverable
from the driver’s insurer at an unrealistically low rate, which means that accident victims will
commonly have to contribute to the cost of getting compensation. Part of that cost is to pay the insurance
premium for the policy taken out on all “No Win – No Fee” cases to protect the
claimant against costs orders they may face.
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